Monday, September 17, 2018

September 18, 2018 - TELL THE NEXT GENERATION

Day 261 - (Today’s Bible readings: Deuteronomy 29:9-29; Psalm 78:1-35; Luke 4:42-5:11)

“I will utter ... things that we have heard and known, that our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might.”  (Psalm 78:2-4 ESV) 

One of the distressing, and far too often spoken comments from parents who are desperately attempting to “go with the flow” is this: “I am not going to force my religious beliefs on my children. Instead, I will let them decide for themselves when they are older.” 

There are two tragic facts that go along with this statement. First, their offspring could well wind up like some children I have met who have no understanding of even the basics of Biblical knowledge, to say nothing about faith in Christ. Second, those parents themselves are most likely not true believers and are therefore also lost.

Like David, who directed God’s people to “say so” (Psalm 107:2), we are to tell the next generation about all that God has done for us in sending Jesus to be our one and only Savior from sin.

Are you doing this? Thank the Lord for the help He gives us in the catechism, our Sunday Schools, Vacation Bible Schools, and our Christian Day Schools!

Thank You, Lord, for the wonderful gift of family. We humbly pray that You would use us to help the generations that follow us to also be close to You through saving faith in Jesus.  Amen.

Pastor David Paape

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105 ), is the theme for this three-year journey through the entire Old Testament once (the Psalms - twice yearly), and the New Testament twice. There will be daily readings from the O.T., Psalms and the N.T. Special days on the church calendar will be highlighted with appropriate readings. This calendar has been compiled by representatives of the Lutheran Church of Canada, the North American Lutheran Church and the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. Please click this link for the daily reading calendar:  

Then scroll down to 2018 Bible Reading Calendar and download it if you so wish. The “assigned” daily readings will appear on a daily basis in this blog. May the Lord bless your meditation upon His precious life-giving Word!

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