Sunday, September 29, 2019

Monday, September 30, 2019 - SING OF GOD’S LOVE FOREVER

Day 273 - (Today’s Bible readings: Amos 2:6-16; Psalm 89; Romans 16:17-27)

“I will sing of the steadfast love of the Lord, forever;
    with my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations.”  (Psalm 89:1 ESV) 

Back in 1973 the Carpenters sang these words:

Sing, sing a song, 
Sing out loud, sing out strong 
Sing of good things not bad
Sing of happy not sad 

Sing, sing a song, 
Make it simple, to last your whole life long 
Don't worry that it's not good enough for anyone else to hear
Just sing, sing a song.

David is also encouraging his hearers to sing a song, a song praising God for two of His awesome attributes:

His steadfast love for sinners like David and us.
His faithfulness to all generations - offering the fruits of His Good Friday sacrifice to all who repent and believe.

This Brazilian hymn found in our hymnal offers further encouragement to sing to the Lord:

O, Sing to the Lord, O sing God a new song,
O, sing to the Lord, O sing God a new song,
O, sing to the Lord, O sing God a new song.
O, sing to our God, O sing to our God.

For God is the Lord! And God has done wonders.
For God is the Lord! And God has done wonders.
For God is the Lord! And God has done wonders.
O sing to our God, O sing to our God.
(“O Sing to the Lord,”  Lutheran Service Book, #808)

Thank You, heavenly Father, for the wonders You have done in sending Jesus to the cross in payment for all of my sins. Please help me to sing a song of faith and praise for the rest of my life.  In Jesus’ saving name. Amen.

Pastor David Paape 

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105 ), is the theme for this three-year journey through the entire Old Testament once (the Psalms - twice yearly), and the New Testament twice. There will be daily readings from the O.T., Psalms and the N.T. Special days on the church calendar will be highlighted with appropriate readings. This calendar has been compiled by representatives of the Lutheran Church of Canada, the North American Lutheran Church and the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. Please click this link for the daily reading calendar:  
Then scroll down to 2019 Bible Reading Calendar and download it if you so wish. The “assigned” daily readings will appear on a daily basis in this blog. May the Lord bless your meditation upon His precious life-giving Word!

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